Sample Writing workshops

Writing Like A Pro

Effective methods for crafting outstanding professional writing 

For teams at all levels

  • • Goal setting

    • Planning, outlining, structuring

    • Drafting

    • Building purposeful sentences and paragraphs

    • Voice, tone and style

Editing Like A Pro

A three-stage approach to editing and polishing professional writing

For teams at all levels

  • • Identifying goals

    • Making structural and content choices

    • Editing for tone and voice

    • Making it letter perfect

Finding an Angle

Effective methods for getting to fresh, compelling stories

For teams at all levels

  • • Assessing materials

    • Asking productive questions

    • Writing for discovery

    • Recognizing a great angle

    • Structuring the story

Advanced WRITING

High-level approaches to strategic writing

For rising, mid-career and senior professionals

  • • Asking questions to get to strategic and analytical thinking

    • Creating idea flows for strong content and structure

    • Advanced drafting techniques

    • Communicating best practices to junior teams and staffers

Advanced Editing

High-level approaches to effective editing

For rising, mid-career and senior professionals

  • • Editing for content

    • Editing for structure and narrative

    • Editing for tone and voice

    • Creating feedback that works for junior staffers


Methods for crafting clear, compelling, audience-appropriate emails

For teams at all levels

  • • Identifying goals

    • Structuring clear, outcome-oriented communications

    • Drafting and editing

    • Voice and tone