

Get your team’s writing in shape. Clean up your client communications. Learn to produce goal-driven, effective business writing.

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Upgrade your writing. Get expert support for your professional and creative projects at every stage, from ideation through final edits.

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Get your story told. Skillful writing for books, professional and personal projects, speeches and op-eds.

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Thought Leadership, Messaging and Strategic Writing

Sharpen up your brand messaging. Explore new directions and ideas. Upgrade your thought leadership.

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Get your team’s writing in shape. Clean up your client communications. Learn to produce goal-driven, effective business writing.


  • Customized, hands-on business writing classes and workshops on planning, storytelling, writing and editing techniques for brands, agencies and non-profits of all kinds

  • Individual and small-group coaching on writing issues and goals for team members at all levels

  • Advanced classes and focused sessions on critical communications, including pitches, scopes, reports, emails, field notes, position papers and decks 

  • Bespoke writing coaching for team leaders, entrepreneurs and the C-Suite

Let’s talk about your business

“Gwen Hyman is a genius. She is a beautiful mix of huge intellect and low ego, corporate therapist and masterful translator of people's brains into words. My team and I have been longtime recipients of her talents and care, and I simply couldn't imagine a more skilled partner. Hire her!”

—Jolie Hunt-Potter, CEO, Hunt & Gather

Sessions for both our field and office teams were great. Coworkers that we’d expect to challenge this type of exercise were the biggest proponents emerging from the sessions, and they continue to say, ‘Gwen says…’. We plan on making these more regular and more robust and can’t wait to have Gwen back at Cafco.”

— Matthew Tripp, Vice President, CAFCO Construction Management


Upgrade your writing. Get expert support for your professional and creative projects at every stage, from ideation through final edits.


  • Goal-setting, planning, structuring and outlining sessions to get your project moving in the right direction

  • Story coaching and hands-on analysis to make your writing strong and compelling

  • Comprehensive review, content editing and copy editing to take your work to the next level

Let’s talk about your Project

“When I started writing my first book, I thought that writing was largely a solitary activity of drafting, editing, and revising. Gwen taught me that it's actually deeply social -- only through testing out ideas and talking through challenges can a text begin to congeal and sing. I can't imagine a better partner for an emerging writer than Gwen.

— Chris Hughes, author, Fair Shot, co-founder, Economic Security Project, co-founder, Facebook

“Gwen is a pleasure to work with — whip-smart, supportive, and ready to engage on both the substance and craft. I've never collaborated with someone who so deftly pushed me to the next level of thinking and writing.

— Eli Pariser, co-founder, UpWorthy, New_Public


Get your story told. Skillful writing for books, professional and personal projects, speeches and op-eds.


  • Ghostwriting that brings your voice and your ideas to life

  • Speechwriting and op-ed writing that wins attention

  • White-label writing for policy papers, decks, proposals, technical materials and other professional documents

  • Book doctoring for fiction, non-fiction, memoir, instructional and bespoke projects

  • Professional editing for argument, structure and style

Let’s talk about your Story

“Gwen was an absolute delight to work with. She was always professional, good natured, and skilled at capturing my client’s voice on the page. I’d work with her again without question.”

— Howard Yoon, Partner and Agent, WME Agency

Thought Leadership, Messaging and Strategic Writing

Sharpen up your brand messaging. Explore new directions and ideas. Upgrade your thought leadership. 


  • Messaging sessions to help you articulate what your brand stands for and where you're going

  • Professional strategy sessions to help you think through your next steps 

  • Writing-as-thinking sessions to help you challenge your own ideas and make your arguments stronger

let's talk about your thought leadership and your message

“I’ve worked with Gwen in my role as a corporate leader delivering keynotes and as a new entrepreneur with big ideas to communicate. My company foundation was built on—and has materially grown directly from—the work we do together. Gwen is a secret weapon: a guide who can help me refine what’s inside my head and craft it to share with the world. She sees things I don’t and helps me verbalize clearly, taking my work to new places as I evolve my partnerships agency. I often refer clients to Gwen - they certainly benefit from our ongoing work together.”

— Peter Knell, Knell Company